Den 24-26. juni afholdes den 11. Festival of Speed på Lord March’s grund i det sydlige England nær Chichester. Selvom det nu er 6. gang jeg skal derover til sommer, er det stadig med en spændt forventning om hvad arrangørerne nu kan diske op med. Det er lidt ligesom Roskilde Festival – dog helt uden sammenligning i øvrigt – hvad indeholder programmet?
Ganske som sædvanlig vil programmet byde på lidt af hvert – nyt og gammelt
Men det vigtige først:
Hvad er Festival of Speed?

Festivalen er mere end et hillclimb i en indkørsel. Det er en markering af historisk motorsport og kan uden blusel kaldes verdens største og mest varierede arrangement af slagsen. Det finder sted lige uden for Goodwood House ved at anvende indkørslen som banelegeme, og er det eneste sted hvor man kan se verdens største kørere samlet samme sted. En liste af berømtheder der har besøgt dette sted er simpelthen som motorsportens blå bog: Sir Stirling Moss, Jenson Button, Johnny Herbert, Juan Pablo Montoya, Carl Fogarty, Giacomo Agostini, Ralf Schumacher, Jean Alesi, Jacky Ickx, Colin McRae, Petter Solberg, Hannu Mikkola og Alan Jones for bare at nævne nogle få. Vor egen Tom Kristensen har såmænd også været repræsenteret.
Hvor kan jeg købe en billet?
Du kan kun købe billetter på forhånd. Der er ikke salg af billetter hen over weekenden noget sted. Så tag ikke af sted uden billet.
Via telefon: Ring til the Festival Hotline på nummer +44 (0) 1243 755055
Via fax: på nummer +44 (0) 1243 755058
Bestil online på: www.goodwood.co.uk
Via email: bookings@goodwood.co.uk
Hvor ligger Goodwood?

Goodwood ligger kun ca. 60 miles (108km) fra London , 30 miles (48km) fra Southampton og 30 miles (48km) fra Brighton.
Det optimale fra Danmark er at bruge Mærsk Air til Gatwick, der ligger syd for London. Det er lufthavnen, der ligger tættest på. Billetterne er lidt dyrere med Mærsk end med Easy Jet til Stanstead (Nord for London), men afgangene er tidligere om fredagen og man slipper for den lange køretur til/fra Stanstead. Derefter er det faktisk kun optimalt at leje en bil. Offentlig transport vil givetvis tage evigheder. Goodwood House er et landsted, der befinder sig uden for lands lov og ret, hvorved at alt andet end privat bilkørsel nærmest betragtes som et kuriosum. Heldigvis er billeje i England langt billigere end i Danmark, hvorved man kan leje en pæn anvendelig bil for under en tusse. Bemærk dog at Englænderne har en sær vane med at montere rattet forkert og køre i den forkerte side. Er vi nok der tager derover lærer de det nok en dag!
I bil: Fra M25, kør fra ved afkørsel 10. Kør på A3 til Milford og følg skiltene til arrangementet (Tydeligt markeret med gule skilte). Fra Petworth kør på A285 mod Chichester og følg derefter skiltene. Fra Southampton, Portsmouth, Worthing, Brighton eller Bognor Regis kører man på A27 mod Chichester og følger skiltene.
Med tog: The nearest railway station is Chichester (from London Victoria). Taxis are available from the station – see below for the bus service. There are also fast trains from London Waterloo to Haslemere, which is 30 minutes by taxi from Goodwood. For further information on times please telephone +44 (0)8457 484950 .
By Bus: A bus service will run from Chichester Bus Station (situated close to the railway station) to the Festival starting from 08:30hrs each morning. For further information on times please telephone +44 (0)845 121 0170.
Via fly: Fly og helikoptere kan flyve til Goodwood Aerodrome, Chichester with prior permission only. Telephone +44 (0)1243 755061. Call Goodwood Information on 122.45. Transportation from the airfield to the Festival (1 mile) and return is included in the landing fee. Avgas and Avtur are available.

What should I wear?
As the Festival is an open air event staged primarily in parkland, comfortable shoes and casual clothing is best. Always bring some light wet weather clothing as, even in summer, British weather can be unpredictable! If you will be using our corporate hospitality pavilions, then smart casual dress is required.
Should I bring my wellies?
It’s always a good idea to have them in the boot of your car. Why not check out an advance weather forecast for the weekend so that you are prepared for any eventuality. The Festival has experienced both scorching sun and torrential rain, so the best advice we can give is to be prepared for anything!
Where can I stay?
Hotels and B&Bs: Local accommodation is reserved long in advance and therefore it is best to book as early as possible. The Chichester Tourist Information Office will be happy to assist you and you can contact them either by telephone on +44 (0) 1243 775888 or email at: chitic@chichester.gov.uk. You can also look on the following websites for further information and assistance:
www.sussexlive.com and
Camping and caravans: For details of local sites, please telephone the Festival Hotline on +44 (0)1243 755055. Alternatively, you can contact Southern Leisure, which is approximately 4 miles from Goodwood, on +44 (0) 1243 787715 or Warners Touring Park, approximately 10 miles from Goodwood, on + 44 (0)1243 604499.
When should I arrive?
The action starts at 10:00hrs on Friday and 09:00hrs on Saturday and Sunday, so it’s best to arrive early to avoid any traffic delays. Gates open at 07:00hrs each day and this is a good time to have a look round the paddocks before the action begins on the track.

Where can I find out what’s happening each day?
Friday i is a relaxing day for the enthusiast. Free practice begins at 10:00hrs with all competing cars and motorcycles will run on the track once. You will also see the first stages of the Supercar Run, initial viewing of the Cartier ‘Style et Luxe and air displays. There are Bonhams Sales of automobilia (morning) and cars (afternoon), with entry by catalogue only. For further information please call +44 (0)20 7468 5801 or visit: www.bonhams.com.
Saturday is official practice day, with all cars and motorcycles running once in the morning and once in the afternoon, beginning at 09:00hrs. You can also see the Sunday Times ‘Driving’ Supercar Run at lunchtime, further viewing of the Cartier ‘Style et Luxe’, as well as live music and air displays throughout the day.
Sunday sees action against the clock as competitors battle for class and outright awards. All cars and motorcycles run once in the morning and once in the afternoon, beginning at 09:00hrs. You can also see the Sunday Times ‘Driving’ Supercar Run at lunchtime, final judging of the Cartier ‘Style et Luxe’ automobile design competition, plus live music and air displays throughout the day. Prize giving takes place at approximately 18:30hrs.
For the latest news on the Festival of Speed please click here.
Do I need a programme?
All of thevehicles competing at the Festival are carefully selected to highlight the chosen theme of the event. The programme explains their unique histories and the fascinating reasons why they have been chosen to compete – it’s the only way to get the full picture. Programmes are also a great way of finding out what’s happening over the weekend, and include a useful timetable and location map. You can buy your programme upon entering the admission gates, or at the Goodwood Shops on-site. Programmes will not be on sale until the Friday of the event.

What are the parking arrangements?
Cars: parking at the Festival is free and open from 06:30hrs each day. All car parking is on grassland. There are no hard standing or specialist parking areas for low-slung sports cars – please bear this in mind before setting out. The car parks will be sign-posted from all directions and are located to the north and the south of the event site. Parking on approach roads at any time will not be permitted. Care must be taken when driving on temporary roadways and you must adhere to the speed limit. Please follow the traffic signs to the event – these routes are devised to assist in your arriving at the Festival of Speed with the least amount of delay. Take care in the car park and make a note of the alphabetical reference and the zone that you are parked in. Courtesy vehicles will be on hand in the car park to give assistance to those unable to walk to the event entrances. Overnight parking/camping will not be permitted in any car park.
Motorcycles: there is an area of hard standing at Goodwood Motor Circuit for motorcycles to park, with a helmet storage facility at the same location, where riders can leave their helmets for a small fee (usually donated to charity). There is also limited hard standing in each public car park. It’s best to always bring a motorcycle stand for use on grass.
What disabled facilities are there?
Those visitors displaying a Registered Disabled car badge will be directed to a dedicated parking area, from which a shuttle service to the event will operate. There are raised viewing platforms for those in wheelchairs and disabled toilets are also available. Electric scooter chairs are available for hire from Shopmobility – it is essential to pre-book with Shopmobility on +44 (0) 2392 455444.
Can I bring my dog to the Festival?
Absolutely no animals are admitted onto the event site or car parks, except for guide dogs.
What viewing facilities are there?
Several different grandstands are available and if you wish to buy a ticket please contact the Festival Hotline on +44 (0) 1243 755055 or Click here to go to the online ticket booking section. Terraced trackside viewing (for which you do not need a ticket) is provided at various locations, including grassed spectator banking from Molecomb Corner to the Flint Wall. To ensure that there is no obstruction to viewing, camping chairs are not allowed on these terraces. There are also giant screens in front of the Cricket Pitch, in the Activities Field and to the side of Goodwood House.

Are there restrictions on entry to the Paddocks?
Access to the paddocks is free. However, when the Paddocks at the Festival become busy it may be necessary to restrict movements. Visitors with pushchairs and wheelchairs may experience difficulties moving through the crowds at busy times.
What is there to do other than racing?
If you want to explore the Festival further, then why not take a look at some of the following:
- The Bonhams Sale of fine cars and automobilia – which takes place on Friday – brings to Goodwood House the exciting atmosphere of the sale room. Entry is by catalogue only: tel +44 (0)20 7468 5801 in advance. For further information visit: www.bonhams.com
- Exhibition Area – over 200 motor sport related trade stands are open each day, offering original art, clothing, models, videos, tools, literature and memorabilia, together with displays of spectacular cars and bikes.
- Junior Festival of Speed– There are many activities at the Festival specifically for younger visitors. For more information visit the Festival of Speed section of the website and click on the link to The Action. At the event, follow the signs for Junior Festival of Speed.
- Activity Area – try out the many hands-on activities including rides in Bowler Wildcat Dakar 4x4 racers, cub karts, rally karts, the 4x4 precision course, helicopter rides to view the event from the air, a climbing wall or the Sky Dive Trampolines.
- Live music – bands will be playing at the Cricket Pitch and also in the bandstand at the Cartier ‘Style et Luxe’. Why not take a picnic along and enjoy the atmosphere?
- Display teams – watch champion BMX and Skateboard teams perform their acrobatic tricks and maybe even have a go yourself.
How do I find my way around?
Finger signposts direct you to all the major areas of the event, and there are numerous ‘You Are Here’ boards showing locations of paddocks, food, toilets, exhibitions, first aid and viewing areas. Alternatively, you can buy a programme, which contains a map of the event.
Where can I eat?
Whether you are looking for a steaming early morning cappuccino, a sandwich, a hamburger or a delicious bistro style lunch – all of these, and more, will be available within the event site. Check the main programme map and the ‘You Are Here’ boards for further information on arrival. Alternatively, you could take a hamper and enjoy a picnic in the Goodwood parkland.
Can I entertain guests or clients at the Festival?
If you are looking to entertain private guests, friends or family, you can find details of our corporate hospitality packages on the Hospitality page on this website. Individual tables or private pavilions cater for parties of all sizes. Simply book in advance, and the table or pavilion is yours for the day, providing excellent viewing, full catering and a meeting point at all times throughout the day.
Is there a crèche or facilities for changing my baby?
The crèche, with baby changing facilities, is situated next to the Goodwood Road Racing Club pavilion behind the Molecomb Grandstands. Ear defenders (available at the Goodwood Shops on-site) will enable all visitors, especially children, to get closer to the action without feeling uncomfortable.
Is there a children’s playground?
There are lots of things for children to do at the Junior Festival of Speed, which is situated primarily by the side of the Cricket Pitch, south of The Bridge.
- The Wacky Races– see the colourful characters from the Wacky Races© come to life and parade up the hillclimb in life-size working cars. There are now six fully working vehicles: Penelope Pitstop’s Compact Pussycat, Peter Perfect’s Turbo Terrific, Dastardly & Muttley’s Mean Machine, the Gruesome Twosome’s Creepy Coupe, Professor Pat Pending’s Convert-A-Car, the Slag Brothers’ Boulder Mobile and the Army Surplus Special. Check the News pages to hear about the latest Wacky Racer to be chosen to join this weird and wonderful group of characters!
©Dastardly & Muttley and the Wacky Races, and all related characters and elements are trademarks of Hanna-Barbera. © Hanna Barbera and Heatter-Quigley.
- The Circus – see the clowns, jugglers, stilt walkers and Punch & Judy show and visit the face painters.
- Display teams – watch champion BMX and Skateboard teams perform their acrobatic tricks and maybe even have a go yourself.
Note: Ear defenders (available from the Goodwood Shop on-site) will enable all visitors, especially children, to get closer to the action without feeling uncomfortable.
Where can I arrange to meet a friend?
The ideal place to meet a friend would be either in front of Goodwood House where the central display is situated or at the Porsche Le Mans Café, which is located between Goodwood House and the Bridge. Or alternatively, meet by the giant screen next to the cricket pitch, which is situated close to the Exhibition Area.
Is there a telephone point I can use or should I take my mobile?
There are no public telephones available on-site. Many people use mobile phones, but some networks experience occasional connection problems due to a great demand on the service. If a call is very urgent, it may be made at the Festival Management & Information Office, located behind the Park Grandstand.
Where can I get general information?
The Management & Information Office, which is located behind the Park Grandstand, will answer any questions you may have during the event. Another Information Point is situated at Cathedral Walk.

Where is Lost Property?
The Lost Property office can be found in the Management & Information Office, which is located behind the Park Grandstand.
How do I get across the track?
There is a large footbridge close to the Formula 1 Paddock and six public pedestrian crossings, which are controlled by marshals. The track opens approximately once every 40 minutes between each batch of cars, although times vary depending on the track action.
Can I buy some Goodwood Merchandise?
The Goodwood shop is open on all three days of the event. You can telephone the Goodwood shop on +44 (0) 1243 755098, email: shopping@goodwood.co.uk or click here to buy online. All clothing, books, videos, posters and gifts can be ordered in advance.
Is there a Goodwood Club I can join?
The Goodwood Road Racing Club has been created especially for those who want to be at the heart of the world’s most glamorous and stylish motor racing events. The Club offers discounts on tickets; access to the central paddock at the Revival; an exclusive annual book; access to private members’ enclosures at both events; a members’ badge; plus special events throughout the year. Membership packages range from £30 to £130 per year, although there is currently a waiting list. For more information please telephone +44 (0)1243 755057, email:grrc@goodwood.co.uk or click here to visit the GRRC page.
Is there a bank on site?
There is a Bureau de Change situated behind the Park Grandstand. For all the latest information on the facilities available, please refer to the Festival programme on entering the site. There are also two sites for cash machines, on the Cricket Pitch and behind the SponsorsGrandstand.
Is there a pharmacy on site?
There is an on-site pharmacy providing medicines, toiletries, suntan lotion, earplugs and sunglasses, located behind the Park Grandstand.
Where are the first aid points?
First aid points are situated at various locations around the site. To find one, please refer to the ‘You Are Here’ boards or ask a marshal.
Is there a doctor?
Yes. Should you need any medical assistance please contact the First Aid Points or speak to a member of the Goodwood staff.
Where can I get a taxi?
There is no taxi rank but visitors can arrange for taxis to drop off and collect from the Coach park, located near the Cathedral Walk Pedestrian entrance/exit. Here are a few local companies to assist you:
Central Taxis: +44 (0)1243 776666
Crown Taxis: +44 (0)1243 829829
Dunnaways Taxis: +44 (0)1243 782403
Handicabs: +44 (0)1243 779132
Starline: +44 (0)500 771077
How can I enter a car or bike into the competition?
All entries into the Festival of Speed are by invitation only, with each competing vehicle chosen in accordance with the theme for the year. If you have a vehicle that you think might be appropriate, please send details of its international competition history and a recent photograph to Lloyd McNeill, Competitions Secretary, Goodwood House, Goodwood, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 OPH or email: competitors@goodwood.co.uk.
How can I enter the soapbox challenge?
Unfortunately, the Soapbox Challenge will not take place at the Festival in 2005. For more information please refer to the Soapbox Challenge page of this website.
Where can I get more information?
If you cannot find answers to your questions here, please contact the Festival Hotline on +44 (0)1243 755055 or email:bookings@goodwood.co.uk.

Ten Top Tips to get the most from the Festival of Speed
- Make sure you book your tickets in advance as it is no longer possible to buy ‘on the day’.
- Hotels and B&Bs in the immediate vicinity tend to get booked up quickly by competitors and regular visitors. Ease your phone bill (and your patience!) by calling hotels that are a short drive (20 minutes or so) from Goodwood. These are just as convenient, and are more likely to have accommodation, especially at shorter notice.
- Save money by buying a ticket for the entire weekend. Friday offers a good chance to view the cars close-up. Saturday and Sunday are packed with action and atmosphere.
- Plan to arrive early in the morning to beat some of the traffic. The first cars start running at 09:00hrs (10:00hrs on Friday) so the early bird gets an even better view. Gates open at 07:00hrs
- Wear stout shoes that you can walk in comfortably, as the paddocks and areas of interest are widely spaced to limit congestion. Not all of the car parks are centrally located, especially for those arriving late on Saturday or Sunday.
- Be prepared for inclement weather. Most of the site is grassland, so your footwear should be waterproof and somewhat mud-resistant. Shelter from rain is minimal, so carry lightweight waterproof clothing. Dashing back to your car is unlikely to be a quick and easy option if the heavens open. Similarly, you should prepare for very hot weather by bringing sun block and a hat or cap, especially for children, and make sure that you drink plenty of fluids.
- There are plenty of places to buy a wide variety of food, so there’s no need to carry your own around all day. If you do choose to bring a picnic, there are lots of grassy areas where you can sit and watch the show unfold. The lawns hosting the cricket pitch display and the Cartier ‘Style et Luxe’ are particularly popular.
- Ear defenders (available at the Goodwood Shop on-site) will enable you to get closer to the action without feeling uncomfortable: this is especially important for children.
- A lightweight set of binoculars will allow you to enjoy each car’s run for longer and in more detail. For the optimum view, you might consider buying a grandstand seat.
- Buy a programme – it’s the best way to identify the star cars and drivers. If you see a legendary driver in the paddock, why not ask them to sign it for you? It makes a great souvenir.
Did you Know?
- From 25,000 visitors at the inaugural 1993 event, attendance at the Festival of Speed has grown to accommodate 150,000 visitors each year.
- The Festival is supported by 30 sponsors and associate sponsors, including 14 car and motorcycle manufacturers, plus some of the biggest names in technology, lifestyle, publishing and luxury goods.
- 312 journalists and 186 photographers from 171 publications reported on the 2004 Festival of Speed.
- Programmes and news items from 18 television stations and ten radio stations worldwide broadcast before, during and after the 2003 Festival of Speed.
- Press features on the Festival of Speed were reported in 21 different countries.
- 240 cars took to the hill during the Festival of Speed in 2004, along with 38 racing motorcycles.
- 34 historic racing cars, worth at total of $37million, were transported to the UK specifically to take part in the Festival of Speed in 2004.
- 47,500 private cars parked at the venue during the course of the 2004 Festival; if lined up nose to tail, the ensuing traffic jam would stretch 114 miles.
- Some 600 marshals ensure the safety of both competitors and spectators.
- Building the temporary hillclimb course takes around 2000 man hours of labour, and a further 1200 man hours to dismantle it again. At least as many man hours again are devoted to erecting the marquees and exhibition stands
- 9.5km of protective straw bales have to be laid out, totalling some 4000 bales weighting 1400 tonnes - these are held in place by 5500 timber stakes which, if laid end to end, would stretch 11km.
- Over 5km of temporary roadway is laid down in the park.
- More than 2000 acres of grassland is mown over three months in preparation for the Festival of Speed.
- At the 2004 Festival, 3000 catering staff served 59,000 sandwiches, 49,000 hot drinks, 58,000 pints of beer and 496 cases of wine. Most importantly, more than 1810 bottles of Veuve Clicquot champagne were drunk by visitors and guests, kept cool by 6.5 tonnes of ice.
For further information please contact: • email: motorpr@goodwood.co.uk • Telephone: +44 (0)1243 755000 • Facsimile: +44 (0)1243 530568